Button Bracelets


I made this back in August for a friend’s birthday present. I really liked it and it was easy and fast to make, so I made more…


…and then I made a couple more…


Seriously, these are really easy to do. I just used cotton to crochet a strip as long as my wrist (circumference, not length of wrist – how long is a wrist?) and made the last short row a loop for a “clasp”.

Then, I sewed on a bunch of buttons, which goes really fast because I just use one really long piece of embroidery floss for the entire bracelet worth of buttons. (This method is acceptable because the back of the bracelet gets covered up lastly by a strip of fabric.)


I made sure to have a good sticky-uppy button on the opposite end for the other side of the “clasp”.

For stability, the back of each bracelet has a strip of fabric hand sewn on (which is the lamest part of making these, but still not that bad). I didn’t get a good picture of that; however, because my camera was made by fisher price. Also, I figured the biggest potential operational mishap with these would be getting them wet while washing hands and then ending up with a giant stretched out bracelet. No good. So, the stability strip works well to prevent that.


I really hope the people I’m gifting these to like them as much as I do. I need to get some of those cool gift tags from Angry Chicken; the ones that say all the things I’m thinking when I gift stuff.

P.S. Olive just gave Carl a fingerless wet willy. Talk about cutting out the middle man. And she called Mona a “boob-head”. “______-head” name calling is truly timeless.

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